

This is a puzzle game I made for Ludum Dare 30 (a 48 hour game jam!). Here's my entry page. The theme was "Connected Worlds" and I'm quite happy with the idea I came up with, as well as the execution. Designing the levels took over half the total time spent, because I wanted to make sure they were well crafted and challenging, without being too hard. My game placed #91 in Innovation, #107 in Fun, and #167 Overall, out of over 2500 entries!

Movement Explanation

Each time you move, your character will warp into the other connected world, so you have to make sure you remember what is in the other world at the location you intend on going. If you try to move into a wall in the other world it will stop you, but there are other obstacles that will not be so forgiving. Good luck!

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