Downtown Bazooka


Downtown Bazooka is a 3D action exploration game inspired by Tron and Mad Max. It was developed with members from the Video Game Development Club at UCI over the course of the 2015-2016 school year. I was the main programmer and was accompanied by a gameplay programmer, sound designer, and producer.


The goal of the game is to get to each waypoint and then defeat the final boss.
Certain buildings provide healing


WASD / Arrow keys - Move
Space - Jump
Left Click - Shoot (can shoot at feet to launch yourself)

Download 6 mb

Engine Features

What I Learned

The primary reason of this project was to learn more about C++ and actually make my own game engine with it. In the process I also learned much about OpenGL and physics. While the engine was mostly from scratch, I did use SFML for the OpenGL bindings, 2D UI rendering, and audio support.

Oh boy was this challenging. So many things I took for granted with Unity ended up being huge hurdles and roadblocks during development. Here's a short list of the most time consuming parts of the engine:

Overall it was a very rewarding experience, despite the pain and torment of not using an engine. It really made me appreciate Unity and everything it does for you. But man, there's nothing like seeing your game boot up super fast as a raw C++ app, feels so badass, haha!

Github Project