

ElecTRIO is a collaborative game in which three sentient, tangled wires work together to overcome obstacles to reach the exit. Each player controls the two ends of their wire and can use them to climb, grab, and transmit power. In the distance lies a city scape, darkened by a power blackout. In the player's journey to the exit, they have the opportunity to end the blackout. The question is will they?

Theme and Diversifiers

The theme this year was "Transmission" so we decided on interpreting that as electrical transmission. So by linking arms with your allies and forming a longer wire you can supply power to various switches and solve puzzles. The diversifier we did was called "That-kind-a-game" which called for making a non combative, coop game. From this we formed our idea of a cooperative climbing / puzzle solving game.

Check out more about the game on our Global Game Jam 2018 entry page where you can also find the download!

ElecTRIO Global Game Jam Page