Space Gods


Space Gods is a 2D god fighting game where you fly around as different gods and throw planets at eachother! Supports local multiplayer with 4 players on controllers, or 2 players on one keyboard.

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What I Learned

The game was developed over the course of the 2014-2015 school year with a team from UC Irvine's Video Game Development Club (VGDC). I was the lead programmer on the project and developed most of the core systems, such as the god controller, planet scripts, various god abilities, character selection screen, scrolling background camera code, and much of the UI.

I learned a lot about how to work on a large team as this was one of my first team game projects. Many people on the team didn't know Unity either so I tried to teach them how it works. It was fun working together and talking about different design ideas everyone had. We ended up making over 20 different playable god characters each with different abilities and stats!

Github Project